Thursday, January 21, 2010

Ella turned TWO!

She looks a little troubled that it is her birthday! Ella was so excited it was her happy day. She didn't really get it at first when we were talking to her, but she soon realized what it meant to have a birthday. The traditional face in the cake on your birthday.
Hardly messy at all! I dished up cake to everyone and Ella said, 'I want my cake.' I said, here it is and pushed her plate towards her. She said, no, I want MY cake and pointed to the big cake. What the heck - I gave it to her. She dug right in with her fork and loved it!!
Happy Birthday little sister!!


stacey said...

happy birthday ella bella! glad she had a good day!

Jess said...

I can't believe she is two. Man I feel old. She is super cute!!!