Friday, April 16, 2010

Madelyn is FOUR!!!

Isn't she BEAUTIFUL, my big four year old girl. This is one of my all time favorites of Maddie! Oh those ringlets! Those lips! Those eyes! What a face!!!

Helping Mom make the cake. She wanted chocolate with pink frosting.

Here she is going in for the traditional put your face in the cake on your birthday. Then Barry pushed her face in the cake. She was NOT happy!
We made dad do it too and then everything was OK.

Ella got a little into her cake as well. She just liked smooshing it on her lips.

Opening presents. Look at the joy on that face!

Her favorite Wii game. We can play for hours and hours......I think Uncle Greg might also like one, whom ever gets his name for Christmas (hint hint). He makes a GOOD princess!

The friend birthday party. We had a house FULL of princesses. They were so cute!


Sally said...

Grandma Wahlen used to put Mom's hair in rollers (or whatever) to make her hair curly. In several of these pictures Maddie looks just like pictures of when Mom was little. You should look through the CD I sent with all the pictures.

Schu32 said...

Hoping you still check this.

Someone uses your daughters photo on Facebook claiming that she is theirs.

If it was my kids photo, I would be furious so just letting you know.