Sunday, September 14, 2008

The damage we 'sustained' from Hurricane Ike....

That's right - you are looking at it. Our damage.....

NONE! It was a rainy day with a little gusty wind. THANK GOODNESS! We stocked up on gas, water, food, batteries etc etc. But I did tell Barry that I was leaving town if the power went out and I had no air conditioning. You know I have to have some standards.

Thanks for all the concern from everyone!


stacey said...

glad you are doing good! what's all this B.S. about barry going to houston?? call me. love ya

Mariah said...

Howdy there!! I love the blog. What cute kiddos. I've been trying to get a blog going too. I'm gonna have to tie Stephen down to help me with some of it. :-) We miss you guys. How is Texas? We're going to try to get to the Maskey family reunion in San Antonio next year. We'll have to go through Dallas. Good to hear from you.

Jess said...

I am so pumped you started a blog now I can keep up with your cute family. Glad you guys are safe and sound.
Miss those cute kids. I especially miss being called gorgeous!!! Tell Jacob I say hi!

Happy Herrons said...

We are glad you are still alive! Yah for food storage! Cute baby!!