Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ella is EIGHT months old!

Here is our little 8 month old Ella! Boy does time fly when you're having fun. Her first top tooth FINALLY broke through the skin. She sure has been having a hard time with those top two teeth.
She is so funny. I really wish I could explain her little sense of humor she has - but it one of those, you've got to see it. She loves music. When you put a song on with a beat, she starts jamming out to the music by rocking back and forth. Tonight she was even humming along. Too cute!


Kristi Drennan said...

I love LOVE her! She's adorable!

carolyne b said...

Hi Amy,
Yes it is Carolyne from Winnipeg. I am back in YW with the same 2 girls who were once bee hives now Mia Maids. My hubby, Peter is in San Antonio Texas visiting his cousin. He should be home sometime this week. Peter's family are visiting from England and wanted to drive down to Texas to see Theresa. Of course as you are aware its some distance.
Glad to know that everyone made it safety through the storm.
Love ya Streets and miss you.

stacey said...

ohh, she is so cute. i just LOVE her. why are you so far away?? we really need to move together somewhere fun next move, let's start thinking about it. LOVE YA. oh, we have a home phone AND the internet again! YES!!

The Olsen Family said...

What a beautiful little girl. I can't wait to give her a big hug in Nov.