Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy BARFgiving

It was a rough Thanksgiving this year. Madelyn, Ella and I all had the flu - the real yucky kind. Barry stayed home and did big time dad duty! It took Madelyn almost a week to get over it all. Ella and I were better a little faster. Glad that is done for the year.

We did finally have our turkey dinner on the weekend and it was GOOD! Not sure if it was really good - or if we were just so happy to be well that it tasted extra yummy. My turkey rivaled Martha Stewarts, could have been on the cover of a magazine I tell ya!

Barry carving the beautiful beast!
I carefully followed the directions on the cranberry sauce can and 'slucked' the cranberries out - whole and complete. I set that little puppy on a plate on the table (I was quite proud it came out so complete) When it was time to eat, Jacob came to the table and gasped and said, "Are we having roast can for supper?" I thought Barry and I were going to die laughing! It was great. Came to find out - Jacob LOVES cranberry sauce. We had to encourage him to eat other things besides the cranberries!

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