Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas 2009

Not sure why this one is blurry, but I still liked it. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care.....
(minus Abigails which I didn't get done - sorry baby Kale too)
Here we are opening one gift on Christmas eve.
ALL the stockings were eventually hung by the chimney (a little late) thanks to Nana!!
Looks to me like the big guy has been by!! Before the kids came down.

Some happy kids on Christmas morning. They didn't get up too early either. I was up and was waiting and waiting. Almost went and woke them up!!
Jacob got spoiled rotten. (And was quite good at guessing his presents)
Madelyn got spoiled rotten. (And really liked this present!)
Ella got spoiled rotten. (I wish this vaccum really worked!)
We didn't even take any pictures of Abigail on her first Christmas.....oh dear! (Grammy did you get any?)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Miss Abigail's Latest Photos

So here is the cutie patootie! We got this outfit from one of my Visiting Teachers. It is the first preemie 'outfit' we got (the others have all been sleepers) I think it is SOOOO cute! It really is like dressing a doll!!!

I really want to capture her size. She is growing so fast I know we won't remember really how small she was soon. When I showed Barry this picture I sang, "one of these things is not like the others, one of these things is not the same." He said I wasn't right?!

Here Abby is sleeping in her bed. Her color is a little weird in this picture (I was trying flash and no flash), but I wanted to put it in anyhow so you can see how small she is. Funny thing is - she isn't in a big crib - this is the small cradle that we have next to our bed. REALLY look how little she is!

Here with Big PROUD Daddy holding her!

In Daddy's arms.
These next two are my favorites. We have close up's of all the kids just born faces on our bedroom wall. So here are a couple that I took for Abigail.
Now as I look at these, I cry again. This time with EXTREME thankfulness for our healthy baby girl!! What a Merry Christmas this will be!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Smarty Pants and Heavy Weights

Jacob was accepted into the Gifted and Talented Program at his school. Way to go Big J! We are so proud of you!!!! He loves 'science' and doing projects - so I think this is going to be a wonderful opportunity for him. He's had a few days of being a little crazy at school and when we ask why, he says he is bored. It will be fun to see what they do.

At Abigail's Doctor appointment last week she weighed 4 lbs 6 oz. She went to the Doctor again yesterday and now weighs 5 lbs 6 oz - ONE POUND IN A WEEK! Way to go big girl!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Here are 'the first' pictures!!

Here are some HAPPY kiddos getting to hold their baby sister for the first time. There were many smiles and giggles to go around! Is Jacob about as proud as a big brother can be?Abigail had the hiccups while Madelyn was holding her and Madelyn was laughing soooo hard. It was funny! Look how huge her smile is!

Ella is still trying to figure this all out, but she sure loves her little sister.

Our kids - we are SO blessed!

One big happy family!

Thursday, December 10, 2009


It is a miracle.....we went in for our 'regular' visit on Wednesday morning and we were told that the Dr had written orders for us to room in THAT night. That is where I stay at the hospital with Abby and see how we do and then she goes home the next day. So after some panicking and scrambling (we weren't ready for her to come home yet) I headed back to the hospital to stay with her. She did great and we got to bring her home TODAY. Pictures to come soon.

The kids were crazy excited and just can't stop looking at her. They want to hold and touch and sing and dance for her. They love her already.

THANK YOU for all the prayers. Please keep them coming that she will continue to grow and develop as she should.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Abigail Update

Sorry it's taken me so long to update this - we've been a little busy!! =)

Abigail continues to make great strides. I know it is because of all the prayers, blessings and the hand of the Lord!! I finally got to hold her (before I left the hospital). This first picture is from then. This is her in my arms. Look how sweet. She just snuggled right in and slept so soundly. I couldn't believe the feel of her in my arms. Oh how they ached for her!!

This is me trying to smile through the tears! I was happy I promise.

This is Barry and I the night (Thursday) I checked out of the hospital. WOW, was it hard to say goodbye. Luckily the other kids were there and a good distraction. I did shed a few tears though. But she needs to be there and the nurses and doctors are SOOOOO good, you can't be too sad! This is what it is and we are trying to deal with it the best we can.
I got to help give Abby a bath the other day (it might have only been yesterday, I can't remember!) She finally got the main line out of her belly button, so we could dress her and wrap her up. This is FANTASTIC because that means her sugars have leveled off and she can keep them up like she is supposed to. YEAH ABBY!!! This also means she doesn't have to be in the warmer bed anymore. So she transitioned to a big girl bed yesterday. She is able to keep her own body temperature up - another good thing! I also got to feed her a bottle. She is trying to get the hang of it. So they only have to feed her a little through the tube in her nose.

Trying to keep life semi-normal at home, we decorated the tree. We've had it out since Thanksgiving, but never got it done. Sure does look pretty in our house!

Barry is finally over his cold enough that he got to come back into the NICU. Here he is holding her for the first time. Happy times!
Barry got to feed her a bottle today. And she took the whole thing in 20 minutes! (They have a time limit of 30 - so she did good) And she was looking for more when it was done. They will increase the amount she is eating tomorrow and if she keeps doing as well with her feeds they will take the tube out tonight! It will be fun to go back in and actually SEE her tonight! She is still having some trouble with her platelets. The tests haven't turned up anything yet. Her levels are up higher and coming down slower, so that is all good - but she isn't out of the woods yet in that department. They won't send her home until they are stabilized. One last cute shot when Barry was burping her today - look at that face!

Monday, November 30, 2009

A Mother's Thoughts....

As I sit by your bed, I cry. Big tears silently run down my cheeks as I talk to you, stare and marvel at your every move and love you. But I wonder, why? Oh, I know the whole hormones are a little crazy, this was a little unexpected, a little overwhelming, but why? When we have so much to be grateful for as we look at the other babies in the NICU.

I realized last night..........

You are my (our) last baby and I lost out on 6 weeks of carrying you inside me and rejoicing in your every kick and turn. I didn't get to work so hard to get you out and be almost the FIRST to see you. I didn't get to touch and love your slimy body as you were just minutes old. I wasn't the first to change your diaper or feed you or kiss your cute little cheeks. There hasn't been hours of snuggling close as we try to figure this nursing thing out together. Your cutest big brother and sisters can't even see you or meet you. For pete's sake - I haven't even held you yet.

So why do I cry - because of what I missed out on. This isn't what I pictured or dreamed of. But what I've got is better than that. I've got you Abby, safe and sound. Growing bigger and stronger each day. Being helped by angels who are (almost) as good as mom. So please just excuse the tears as mom is having some of her own growing pains.

PS I got to change a poopy diaper today! yahoo!!!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Our Early Christmas Gift from Above

We are excited to announce - Abigail Ruth Street arriving 6 weeks early on November 28, 2009 at 2:28 pm. She weighed 4 lbs 2 oz and is 16 & 1/2 inches long.I was concerned about the way she was moving/not moving and decided to come and get it checked out. The placenta wasn't giving her the oxygen or food she needed so the umbilical cord was trying so hard to compensate that it had almost shut itself down overworking. Abby was delivered by emergency c-section just hours after I got to the hospital. She is in the NeoNatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) being very well taken care of. She has been breathing on her own since she was delivered (just needed a little help at the beginning). Her biggest battle is her glucose levels right now. They just won't stay up where they need to be. But she is starting to eat - the nurse last night said, "she didn't love the last bottle we gave her, but she ate about half." I thought that was a funny way to describe it.

They tell you to expect your baby to be in the NICU until their due date (Jan 7), but we sure hope she can come home earlier, but of course want her to get the biggest and strongest with the best care at the hospital!!

The kids are so excited. They can't come in and see her - so they are stuck with pictures and videos and our stories. But they are excited none the less.I think Barry and I are still in shock. I am sure glad he made it home from school. I had a dream before he left that I had the baby while he was gone. And I have to tell you - that little Abby looks just like she did in my dream. I am so grateful to Heavenly Father for helping me (and Barry) to know when to get to the hospital, for allowing Barry to be home, for good family and friends to pray for us and take care of us and for the safe arrival of Abigail Ruth Street. You are our gift from above and we love you already sweet girl.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Bumped Heads and Homemade Jam

Jacob had a birthday party on Saturday night. He was having so much fun and his friend made him laugh really hard, he threw his head back and then just kept on going right off a bench. He has the biggest goose egg I have ever seen !!! I tried to take some pictures, but it does NOT do it justice. Luckily, he is OK. It is hard to see, but right there in the middle of the back of his head, right on the edge of his head where it is sticking out - BIG. I almost didn't make it myself. You may know that moment, you get a call on your cell phone from the kids parents and you think, what is wrong?! Thankfully Jacob has a really hard head, just like his dad (barry said it, not me!!)

Nana is HERE!! We are loving having nana here. We kept her busy yesterday, Christmas shopping and making batch after batch of homemade jam. I kept her so busy she didn't have time for any pictures, yet!! When Jacob got home from school everyone had peanut butter and jelly sandwiches - look at these HAPPY faces!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Miscellaneous pictures

Miss Ella Bella on her way to take the kids to school. Lots of times we have to wake her up to go. So she has to have blanket and hoo-hoo (Her monkey)
Jacob is playing soccer again this year. He likes it, but isn't having as much fun as last year. He is thinking he might want to try baseball next year.

Jacob's school did a fundraiser. If you sold so many cookie doughs you got a ride in a limo to lunch at McDonalds. So thanks to our nice family and friends, Jacob sold enough and got to go. It is a little hard to see him in this picture - he is in the light blue shirt behind the pillar in the back.

Here is the limo. Neither Barry or I have ever been in a limo. He LOVED it. Said they had a lazer light show and all kinds of stuff in there.

The kids and I made a paperchain to count down the days Barry is gone. We color coded it so we know the couple days he gets to come home, when Nana is coming and when Grammy is coming. They love ripping off a link each day. It is much too long in my opinion.

Madelyn's First Day of School

Here is the princess Madelyn headed off to the first day of preschool. Got the good attitude going and all.This was the second day (but actually the first where they stayed by themselves) Aren't her and Ella cute. Holding hands and all.
Daddy and the girls on the steps of the school. (LOVE and MISS you B!)
In her classroom. Madelyn LOVES school as well. Every paper she brings home she calls homework and is quite excited to bring it home to us. She is making some good friends and has fun fun fun!!

She already is checking out what others look like and wear. She wanted me to do her hair like another girl in her class one day. She grabbed two chunks of hair and said she had two ponytails. So I put in two ponytails and she freaked out and said it wasn't right. So I finally came up with something that passed her inspection. Barry took her to school that day and I told him - you find out who that girl is and check out her hair. So he tells me when he comes home - she has LONG, STRAIGHT, RED hair. Hmmmmm.....Madelyn LOVES Little Mermaid - no wonder she loves this girls hair. Barry and I have been telling her - just have Madelyn hair - you don't have to look like anyone else. So one day she tells me, I want to have unicorn hair. OK!! Is she going to be fun as a teenager or WHAT?!

Jacob's first day of school & 6th Birthday

Yup, it's catch up time. It isn't that I have any more time on my hands with Barry gone (less actually), but I feel like I have to stay busy or go absolutely MAD! So, catch up time it is!
Jacob's first day of school!
Welcome to full-day kindergarten. He has a sweet teacher and seems to really be enjoying himself. He is learning lots and loves everything they do and learn. He especially loves science. I can't believe all they do for kindergarten.
Here is the big SIX year old boy!

Grandpa Street made a great electric train table and brought it for Jacob's birthday. Jacob had a great time being an engineer all day long - his dream come true! He got to drive Thomas and Gordon all over (sometimes a little crazy too!!)

Here is the GREEN Birthday cake (we made Greg's pistachio cake recipe)

Seriously, isn't he handsome!Face in the cake - only allowed on your birthday.