Saturday, March 27, 2010

Just some pictures....

We've been all consumed with a very fussy, many times SCREAMING baby. I feel like I have lost contact with the 'real' world. Here are just some pictures since it's been so long. Abigail seems to be getting a little better! YEAH!!
In the middle of a smile!
Jacob hamming it up for the camera.
Madelyn loves to do her own hair. She has about 7 barrettes in her hair!

Ella playing the DS with headphones on.

OH my favorite time - sleeping!


Jess said...

OH Amy! I wish you were closer and I would give you an afternoon off!!! Lot's of hugs sent your way. Your kids are looking so grown up and cute. My sunbeam is still the handsomest dude ever!!!

Happy Herrons said...

LOVE the sleeping time - does it happen regularly? SO glad for the pic updates. We love you!!

stacey said...

amy! can abbsters cheeks get any bigger?? I LOVE HER! the other kids are cute too! miss ya. photo proof- they are all still alive!

Mariah said...

They are sure growing up so fast!! You two make the dang cutest kids ever. I'm so sorry you've got a fussy screaming one. Gabriel nearly got me committed because of his screaming at me....ALL THE TIME. He was 2 before we figured out what the heck was making him cry all the time, poor kid. I hope she can calm and start enjoying life soon. Sending you guys big hugs and our love.

Tricia said...

I can't believe how big they are getting. Isn't crazy being a mother of four?? I love all your posts. It's great to hear what is happening in your neck of the woods and knowing your all getting along. When are you coming to visit your family?? I miss you so much!!! And would love to catch up if you don't get your butt up here soon you might find me on your doorstep!!!!