Thursday, April 23, 2009

A good MOM day!

We had a moment today, this boy and I.
Just Jacob and I went into the bathroom to do hair and teeth. Jacob has a toothbrush that plays music. So he turns it on and then turns it right back off. Then he wispers to me, "Mom, when I am quiet I can hear the Holy Ghost!" The chills ran up and down my body and I immediately felt the Spirit, REALLY felt the Spirit - it was strong. I LOOKED at him and whispered to him, "You are right. What does it feel like to you when you feel the Holy Ghost?" He whispered, "I feel proud and good." I told him how I feel kind of warm and tingly in my chest. He said he felt it too. He went on and brushed his teeth, I combed his hair. When he was all done, he looked at me again and whispered, "Mom, I can still feel the Holy Ghost." I can too buddy!

WOW! What a way to start my day. I remember that a couple weeks ago we were at the dinner table and everyone was crazy (the usual). Then we all got quiet for some reason. It was real quiet, no one was making any noises, the house was completely silent. I told the kids then that when we are still and quiet that is when we can hear the Holy Ghost the best. When we are loud and crazy or mean, we can't hear or feel Him very well. I guess my dear Jacob was listening - to me and the Spirit. Thanks for teaching me every day my big boy!! I love you.


Sharron said...

Hold fast to these memories for their teen years! This really is a wonderful story and the little ones can teach us so much. Guess that is the other reason I love being a grandma, besides all the revenge I am getting on a daily basis!

Janie said...

Congrats! Looks like you're teaching him right. What a sweet story!

stacey said...

WOW!! i got chills AGAIN!! he is a sweet boy!! what a great momma you are. we are doing something good atleast every once in a while!

Erin said...

Oh Amy-what a special moment between you and Jacob. It's times like that that make it all worth it, huh? And thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, I love you.

Sally said...

Ohhhhh...I feel the spirit just reading it! Way to go Amy!!

3in3mom said...

That gave me chills--so precious. {I found your blog from Janie's} I love the photos as well. It captures the peace of the Holy Ghost.

Kristi Drennan said...

OH that's awesome! And those pictures are gorgeous!