Saturday, November 1, 2008

ENRICHMENT IDEAS - I need them!!

So.....I got a church calling. Then before I was even sustained, they called and asked if they could switch it - I wanted to say NO, but I didn't. So I am the new Home, Family and Personal Enrichment Leader. Yahoo! So now I need your ideas - what have you done that you liked, loved, hated, etc. Classes, crafts, food - what makes you want to go?? I would love all ideas - if you don't want to post them here - e-mail me!!

Thanks everyone - I love ya! amy =)


Krista said...

I think I need your email addy ...

Alright, you don't mention the NASCAR tickets again and neither will I. Next time we get them (which is rather frequently, as the hubs does business with them) I'll make sure you're at the top of the "call cause we're not going to use them" list.

I live in Hurst off of Precinct and 26. So within 15 minutes of where you live.

Ahhh, Rusk. I'm familiar with the name. My in laws live about 20 minutes N of Tyler with a timeshare down in Palestine, so we're frequent travelers of the area.

The BEST way to find things to do is go to, on the right hand side of the screen there is an area that reads 'Calendar'. You can choose which county, the types of entertainment, if you want to pay and which dates you're interested in. It's a wealth of information. I also use Craigslist, though that is not AS useful.

My email is

Krista said...

Oh ... ahhh ... enrichment ideas (probably not new, but ones I enjoyed and still use):
-Weekly meal planning/grocery shopping
-Nifty environmental ways to clean the house
-24 hour kit prep
-journal jars
-one enrichment we were asked to come to be "complimentary" we simply sat around and talked about the qualities we enjoyed in each sister, it was very personally and very touching ... also helped sisters realize how cherished they didn't know they were. Bring Kleenex!
-my sister in laws ward has a "project Saturday" every month. They simply set up tables in the gym and invite sisters to come with whatever current project they are working on. Chance to get out of the house, get something done AND chat with sisters in the ward.
-Potluck. Bring a dish and the recipe!
-Square foot/pot (NOT THAT KIND!) gardening for Texas
- budgeting/coupon clipping
- book club
- creative lunches for kids
- family fun ideas (day trips, activities in the area, ect)
- quiet books for sacrament
- kids travel boxes
- hair cutting

Heather said...

Happy homemaking to you!@!!! whoa!!! I always love a good craft project. I am not a bit fan of lectures. I am sure you will be fantastic. This is in your blood!

Erin said...

I think this has been my calling for my entire adult life. Well...almost. We just had a really fun Halloween activity, so maybe if you're still there next year. We have our super saturday coming up this weekend and that's always a hit. Crafts, food, you can't go wrong. My favorite from this year was a culture night. We had all the ladies from the ward that had served missions or lived outside the country make a table display and have a food sample from their country and it was really fun! I can give you more details if you are interested. So, good luck cuz! Good to be in touch!

stacey said...

ok, my favorites
1. food storage RECIPES. actually bring the recipes made and get to eat all the yummy food from food storage, not just talk about how much wheat you need. because if and when we need to use the food storage, i need some recipes that my family will actually eat.
2. love a craft night.
3. i don't know who said the project night (bring your own project you are working on, whatever it is and work on it) but i REALLY like that idea.
love ya